


Ace Tennis League (ADULTS)

A brand new match format is coming to ENNOIA with the establishment of a league made up of 4 divisions!
Each month the winners move up to the higher league and the last ones move down to the lower league.
This allows you to mix levels and everyone has the opportunity to qualify for the next level!
Qualities developed:
Control – Regularity – Determination



Tournaments: Red, Orange, Green and Yellow Ball (CHILDREN)

Tournaments for children aged 6 to 18 depending on their age and level.
Goals :
-Play your first matches
-Learn to count points independently
-Meet different opponents
All this in a fun and friendly spirit, because the most important thing is to have fun playing tennis!
Qualities developed :
Physicality – Exploit your strong moves – Determination

Tournaments: Red, Orange, Green and Yellow Ball (CHILDREN)

Tournaments for children aged 6 to 18 depending on their age and level.
Goals :
-Play your first matches
-Learn to count points independently
-Meet different opponents
All this in a fun and friendly spirit, because the most important thing is to have fun playing tennis!
Qualities developed :
Physicality – Exploit your strong moves – Determination


Tennis & Friends

Every Sunday morning from 7.30 am, we welcome you on our 4 courts for singles and doubles matches marked by conviviality, pleasure and beautiful points!
Skills developped :
New partners – Simple and double tactics

Ace Squad

The Elites tribe!

Team training for the best Ace players (second series FFT level).

Join the team (limited spots) and train with passion and efficiency.

Coach: Frantz Jessin, ex-15, ATP coach.

Skills developed:
Elite Ace Team – Developing your strong shots – Upgrading your game

Ace Squad

The Elites tribe!

Team training for the best Ace players (second series FFT level).

Join the team (limited spots) and train with passion and efficiency.

Coach: Frantz Jessin, ex-15, ATP coach.

Skills developed:
Elite Ace Team – Developing your strong shots – Upgrading your game
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